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Sad Days & Cinemas in Quarantine

Here were are 40-somethings days in the quarantine. Today, I felt a different emotion while running much needed errands. As I stopped at a red light, I looked to see an empty movie theater to my left. I immediately began to cry. A movie theater triggered an emotion I think I've held at bay. Right that moment, I didn't think about the many things I was finally accomplishing during this quarantine. I wasn't thinking my to-do list, due dates or anything. I thought about the movies!

I thought about how I was kind of tired of being inside. I'm an introvert by nature, but today I missed seeing smiles and the sound of laughter from real humans. I missed entertainment on LARGE screens. I missed the smell of popcorn and gummy worms. I missed being outside.

The emotion to connect with stranger and distant friends was so strong, I actually cried. And I thought about the many people who consider themselves extroverts and what they may be actually feeling. I thought about the children who long to visit their parents in nursing homes. I thought about the employees that find joy in their customers. I thought about US.

How human connections are extremely important, even if its a smile from a stranger, which we can't see nowadays because we have to wear mask.

Someday soon, we will see smiles, screens, popcorn and hear laughs!!

I Love You,


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