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Thou Shalt Not Chase A Man

Updated: Apr 6, 2018

Does the "one" even exist? Somewhere in my head I just believe he does but I refuse to chase a man. I've been there, done that and let's just say it left me single. Okay, it was a serious unintentional chase but you get it. LOL. Ha!

It's not a okay to chase a man even if you're really, really, really interested in him. And we've all been there, trust me. There's line between initiating conversation or showing him that you're interested AND clearly chasing him down. After several, "Hey how are you" text without a response or conversation, leave it there. (Sigh) Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I want to hear the magical words that let me know HE'S INTO ME. Not a text, inbox or indirect post but words with the butterflies that come with it!

Today's society will make women forget we are the prize. There's something amazingly special about women that brings favor to the relationship and to the man...girl you got it! So yes, women have been granted the opportunity not to chase. If you have to chase to get him, you'll have to chase behind him to keep him. And sure it can be crazy....trying to grab and even hold a man's attention (I only say that because a few guys will like you for a second then on to the next girl, ugh). Still you have been granted the opportunity not to chase him. If he's into you he'll find your rhythm and make you the one that will hold his attention. Because men are leaders this is the first opportunity to watch him lead the relationship. Men lead on...women don't chase.

Love you but God loves you much more!


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